An elegant monster for a more civilised age. |
This is something like a formal exercise, inspired by Arnold K's Terophidian and some chat with Semiurge on Phlox's server.
The Beholder is a (maybe the?) dnd bestiary mainstay; iconic, recognisable, deadly, with pleasingly baroque rules and a bizarre-but-coherent personality. In terms of monster design, the Beholder is obviously something to aspire to.
A tall order obviously, but also a fun thing to take on!
Lantern Head
Lantern Heads are strange beings, not native to the Barony. They are occasionally imported as curiosities, but their origins are obscure.
The essence of a Lantern Head is (of course) its 'lantern', which looks like a tiny pinpoint of bright white light, suspended at the centre of a tough transparent sphere. The sphere is actually a biological skin, filled with absolutely clear fluid, and capable of moving itself around (slowly) by undulating and rolling like an ungainly plastic bag full of water. The light at the centre shines outwards, and is exactly analogous to the thing's sensory apprehension. If the light from the lantern falls on you, the Lantern Head can perceive you - if the light doesn't fall on you, it can't. Lantern heads can't touch, smell, taste, or hear - their entire capacity for perception is visual (and psychic, read below).
Any dead thing (with a more or less intact nervous system) that falls under the light of the lantern is animated by the Lantern Head's will. This is not at all like an angel's resurrection - the bodies have no motive power or will of their own, and collapse immediately if they pass out of the light. Lantern heads often have animated corpses carry them around (the classical image is of a dead body holding the lantern high above its head, the better to shine down on everything around it), and have been known to get creative with stitching corpses together into more interesting or useful forms. They will also hoard the corpses of humans and animals to protect themselves if they feel under threat.
The nervous system thing is important - a Lantern Head can make an arm flop around, or a severed head snap, but won't be able to animate a skeleton. It has no way of preserving its bodies, and as they decompose they become less and less useful as thralls.
Lantern Heads are also capable of reproducing - but only asexually - by 'infecting' light sources. Any light source that falls under the light of the Lantern Head will, over the course of five minutes, become infected this way - once the process is complete it will begin giving off the same strange white light. The Lantern Head can 'see' and animate corpses from this new source - it is in every way a physical extension of the original Lantern Head.
Lantern Heads know their own light, and seek to destroy the light of other Lantern Heads, which they perceive as threats. The light of older Lantern Heads is 'stronger', and will 'colonise' other sources of light preferentially to that of younger creatures.
If a living being is caught in the light of the Lantern Head, they will hear music like chimes in their head, and their organs will begin cooking inside them. If this is you, you take 1 psychic damage the first turn, 2 the next turn, 4 the next turn, etc. You are also incapable of speaking while in the light - when you try, you make a sound like chimes. Lantern Heads are perfectly capable of reproducing in your torches or lanterns.
A Lantern Head dies immediately if it is ever exposed to sunlight - likewise, any Lantern Head light or light source is immediately 'killed' by sunlight, and loses its special properties.
A Lantern Head left to its own devices will attempt to amass lenses, mirrors, and powerful lanterns. It has a poor understanding of human society, so it will usually not be very good at this. A Lantern Head that is nicely ensconced underground will generally send up parties of thralls at night, carrying infected torches, to search for optical machinery.
Of special interest are focusing lenses, coloured glass, and powerful lanterns - lighthouses in particular. The dead thralls bring them down underground and store them, or use them to build elaborate light machines at the design of the Lantern Head. Mirrors, glass walls, focusing lenses, flaring torches, chemical lanterns: any Lantern Head warren of any size will be filled with these contraptions, that the Lantern Head seems to take enormous pleasure shining itself through them.
In addition to the usual effects of exposure, the light of a Lantern Head is modified in the following ways, when shone through coloured mediums:
- Red Light: test CHAR or spend your turn attacking the nearest living thing. -1 on the save for each consecutive turn of exposure.
- Blue Light: test CHAR or self-mutilate for [weapon you are carrying] damage. This is not an attack, don't roll to hit. -1 on the save for each consecutive turn of exposure.
- Green Light: test CHAR or take a permanent -1 to CHAR. -1 on the save for each consecutive turn of exposure.
- Yellow Light: as Red and Green (only test CHAR once, but apply both effects).
- Cyan Light: as Blue and Green (only test CHAR once, but apply both effects).
- Magenta Light: as Red and Blue (only test CHAR once, but apply both effects).
In addition to these earthly colours, a Lantern Head will search for rare uncolour-tinted mediums through which to shine itself:
- Ulfire: test CHAR or suddenly understand the chime-language of the Lantern Head. It will tell you of its plan (see below) - how you react is up to you. -1 on the save for each consecutive turn of exposure.
- Jale: test CHAR or become infected with a newborn Lantern Head. Lose 1 CON each day - when you die, the baby Lantern Head will hatch inside your heart. Surgery might save you, if you know someone capable of such things. -1 on the save for each consecutive turn of exposure.
If you extinguish all sources of a Lantern Head's light, it dies. The originary lantern has 1 hp, is unarmoured, and is extinguished when killed.
The Plan of the Lantern Heads
The only long term goal of a Lantern Head is to somehow build a projector powerful enough to shoot itself out into the vastness of the black infinity beyond the night sky, and (finally, after so many millennia) rejoin the others like it.