Sunday, 2 March 2025

Buckets of Blood: Raver


Starting skills: none

Starting equipment: a light stabbing screwdriver, 20 stolen pills, a stolen ACCESS ALL AREAS wristband, half a pack of cigarettes.

A - Dead Eyes, The Drop
B - Empty Your Soul
C - Vessel
D - Enter the Void

Dead Eyes: You have +2 on attempts to intimidate normal people, and -2 on attempts to persuade or charm them. These are doubled to +4/-4 when you are high on pills. If you attack someone within arms' reach and they aren't expecting it, you crit. 

The Drop: In melee combat, you may choose to either attack three times at -2 to hit, or once normally. If you choose to attack once, your critical range increases by 2 on your next turn. This stacks, but you lose all stacks if you ever decide to attack three times in a turn. 

Empty Your Soul: You cannot be charmed, possessed, influenced, or have your mind read. Beings capable of these feats find a dead thing where 'you' should be. If they attempt it while you are high on pills, they take d4 psychic damage. 

Vessel: You are happiest drifting through the world in a dissociative state. As long as you are going along with plans made by others, your damage dice increases by one and you take half damage from physical attacks. If you ever contradict someone, refuse to go along, or voice your own opinion about something, these bonuses are lost - you regain them after 12 hours have elapsed without any of these things happening. 

Enter the Void: You cannot be killed while you BOTH dissociated, as described in Vessel, and high on pills. Roll damage and results on the D+D table as normal, and note, but do not apply, the effects. If either of the two conditions for this skill are ever not met, all damage and effects taken while unkillable are applied immediately. 


Pills: each lasts d4-1 hours - while high you cannot feel pain, fear, or despair, and are not affected by environmental effects. You can sell them for less than they are worth, which is still a good bit of money. When the effects wear off you are at -1 on all checks for 2d6 hours. 

ACCESS ALL AREAS: allows you to attempt to intimidate security into letting you pass - this works in any venue. 

Club Kids in 1995, courtesy of Vice. The class is written for Buckets of Blood, of course. 

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