A quick, late-night exercise, conducted in rough call + response with Sundered World on Phlox's discord. All magical sheathes give any sword drawn from them +1 to hit and damage rolls, in addition to the following:
- Sheathe of the Berserk - Made from rough iron, draws stiffly, with the shrieking of metal. The blade drawn from this sheathe is ravenous, and deals 2d6 damage. The wielder must slay another within the space of 30 breaths, or the sheathe will claim their soul (this kills most people). A terrible artefact, sought only by the desperate.
- Hungry Sheathe - White leather, draws easily. If the bearer sheathes a sword in it more than once, the blade is eaten.
- Jealous Sheathe - Brass, adorned with coloured glass. When its user draws, they take d2 psychic damage for each additional weapon that they carry.
- Eager Sheathe - When the bearer draws, the sheathe shouts loudly in its joy at the coming slaughter.
- Dolorous Sheathe - Rough leather, embossed with the initials LP. This sheathe kills all joy in the bearer, except that found in killing. Carousing, stress mitigation, etc. are impossible. The bearer saves against despair with disadvantage.
- Famous Sheathe! - Brightly coloured tassels attached near the grip, expensive golden detailing. No special powers (not even the usual +1 bonuses), but any sufficiently prideful warrior will challenge you for it.
- Sheathe of the Divine Tower - Dark, heavy leather. Draws poorly, as though the sword inside intends to remain. Allows any undrawn sword to speak. Most swords have little to say.
- Sturdy Sheathe - Hardwood, with thick straps to keep the blade inside. You may sheathe your sword and continue using it as a weapon, changing the damage from slashing to bludgeoning.
- Brother-Sheathe - Normally unassuming leather, turns invisible when a weapon is stowed inside.
- Sister-Sheathe - Unassuming leather, turns any weapon inserted invisible.
- Sheathe of the Good Sun - Dark and translucent, like glass. Glows as brightly as 5 torches when a sword is inserted. The light counts as sunlight against creatures that fear it, or for any other purpose.
- Whistling Sheathe - Intricately carved wood, with holes drilled across the length that whistle mournfully when it is swung about. Can be used as a parrying buckler in the off hand, but imposes -2 on all morale checks for the rest of the combat if used this way. Undead who hear the whistling will not attack the bearer.
Hell yeah! This is a really good idea!
ReplyDeleteThis was fun. Might write up some more and steal back some of the ones you didn't take.
ReplyDeleteI think brother-sheathe and sister-sheathe are my favorites of this table, because I'm realizing that these effects cannot apply to the same blade. I'd be especially amused, as am adventurer, to find them and discover their complement but not-synergistic features.
Hell steal these ones and add to 'em! We can do them all as a d20 table, and I'll edit in a link to yours